Simplifying Data Entry
Users may have to select values from several or extensive lists when creating the activities. If these lists are logically related, you as an administrator can set up a dependency.
You can define dependencies between two single- or multi-select attributes by specifying one as a controlling attribute and another as a dependent attribute. For each controlling attribute value, the customer can define which dependent values are valid.
For a specific activity type A template for activities that defines what attributes are available and required, and what workflows are associated with the activity., you must specify the branches in which the activity
Any targeted action or measure taken by a company to promote its products or services, attract customers, or increase sales. is to be executed. As your company has several branches in several countries, it is worth setting up two lists with a dependency. The first list contains the countries in which your company has branches. The second list contains all branches. You use the dependency to define the connection between country and branches. When editing the attributes, users first select the country. Then only the branches of the country are displayed in the second list.

When you create an activity which has both the controlling and dependent attributes specified on the activity type, you will see an icon for each attribute which is part of an active dependency with popover text describing its relationship to the other attribute.
The options that the user can select in the dependent attribute are controlled by the value of the controlling attribute.
If no option is selected for the controlling attribute, then no options are valid for the dependent attribute. If the controlling attribute is a multi-select field, the available dependent options will be the combination of the valid options for each selected controlling option.
Currently, the dependent attribute must always be edited, even if only one option is valid. In addition, the dependent attribute is always displayed, even if no valid options are available for selection.

Click > Activities > Settings > Attribute Dependencies
They help in creating logical relationships between different attributes of activities, making data entry more efficient and reducing errors. A relationship between two attributes (typically drop-down or multi-select fields) where the options available in one field (the dependent field) are determined by the selection made in another field (the controlling field)..
Click Create Dependency in the lower right corner.
In the Controlling Attribute list, select the attribute that controls the second list.
In the Dependent Attribute list, select the controlled list.
Optional: Enter a short and concise description.
Specify for each controlling attribute option which dependent options are valid. Some, all, or none of the dependent options can be selected for each controlling option.
Click Save.
You have set-up a dependency.

Note the following rules for the set-up of attribute dependencies:
No split: It is not possible to set a controlling attribute on a higher- or lower-level activity type than the dependent attribute.
No chains: Dependencies cannot be chained. A dependent attribute cannot be the controlling attribute in another dependency.
No restriction of the dependency to only one activity type: In case the attributes are used for several activity types, you cannot restrict the dependency to only one or a selection of the activity types. Once set up the dependency is valid for all activity types to which both attributes are assigned.
No required dependent attribute: A dependent attribute cannot be set as a required attribute and vice versa. A controlling attribute can be configured so that no dependent attribute options are valid, and therefore, the dependent attribute would be empty. But a required attribute cannot be empty.